
The East Ascension Sportsman’s League is dedicated to conserving and properly managing our natural resources for future generations. We are one of the largest and most active affiliates of the Louisiana Wildlife Federation.  Our regular activities include an annual kid’s fishing rodeo, nest box projects, bass & big game contests, a shooting series, and a monthly meeting featuring dinner and a special guest speaker.  Some of our accomplishments over the years include:

  • Named Louisiana Conservation Organization of the Year – 1971, 1972, 1975, 1977, & 1983.
  • Received the Governor’s Conservation Achievement Award – 1992.
  • EASL monthly newspaper The Sportsman was named Outstanding Conservation Publication in 1978 & 1979.
  • EASL monthly newspaper The Sportsman was awarded the LWF Governor’s Achievement Award – Conservation Communication of 2002.
  • Received Education/Community Group Volunteer of the Year Award 2008 from Volunteer Ascension.
  • We are one of the largest and most active affiliates of the Louisiana Wildlife Federation.
  • We are known and respected locally and statewide as a conservation leader.
  • We regularly petition our Louisiana Legislature, Congress and Local Government Agencies on matters concerning conservation and the environment.
  • We testify at legislative and other hearings on issues relating to hunting, fishing and the environment.
  • Each year we donate books on wildlife related subjects to our parish libraries.
  • We are a sponsor of Ducks Unlimited, the National Wild Turkey Federation, the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, Ascension 4-H Shooting Sports Club and local Scout projects.
  • We are affiliated with the National Rifle Association.