Rules: 2025 Big Turkey Contest Rules
EASL’s Big Turkey Contest runs from the beginning of turkey season in late March thru the end of May this year. Prizes are given for Biggest Turkey, and Youth Division. Prizes are a “Tail Fan Mount” by Fins to Feathers Taxidermy. Also, if more than 3 entries, door prizes are awarded at the end of the contest for anyone entering a turkey.
- You must be an EASL Member before Turkey Season opens in March to enter the contest.
- Any turkeys entered must be taken in Louisiana.
- No pen-raised birds allowed. Birds must be taken by fair chase. Any birds taken on Game Ranches that are High Fenced will not be eligible.
- Any birds to be entered MUST BE scored by the contest chairman to be eligible. NO CALL-IN measurements will be allowed.
- Length of beard and length of spurs x 10 will determine the total score.
- Contest ends the last day of May each year.
- Decisions of the contest chairman are final.
If you have any questions or would like to enter a turkey, contact contest chairman Thad Bellow at Fins to Feathers Taxidermy: 225-675-6276.