EASL and Ascension 4-H Shooting Sports Club Members Built 16 Bluebird Boxes on Saturday, November 6, 2010.
2016 Update: Blue bird nest boxes available.
BLUE BIRD BOXES: In 1987 EASL member Keith Saucier organized a project to encourage the return of Eastern Bluebirds to Ascension Parish. EASL’s “Bluebird Nest Box Program” built nest boxes and sold them “at cost” to EASL members who installed them around the parish. In 1992, EASL decided to establish its own “bluebird nest box trail”. Two roadside trails were created that crisscrossed the parish following Highways 30 & 73. Combined, the trails are over 20 miles long and have a total of 80 nest boxes. By 2000, EASL members had built 1,000 bluebird nest boxes. The beautiful little bird that had not been seen in our area in decades is now a common sight year-round in neighborhoods, yards and fields in almost every corner of Ascension Parish. To learn more about bluebirds and what you can do to help them, see our eastern bluebird fact sheet and EASL’s nest box plan or this nest box plan.
WOOD DUCK BOXES: For nearly two decades EASL has been constructing, installing and maintaining wood duck nesting boxes in Ascension parish. The main focus of the club’s efforts in recent history has been in the Spanish Lake area, however, over the years nesting boxes have been installed throughout the parish. In 2008, EASL donated 50 cypress wood duck nest boxes to Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and sponsored two youth groups in building boxes for use in local habitat. Wood ducks accept nesting boxes as suitable nesting sites. Installing a wood duck nest box with a predator guard in an appropriate habitat location helps foster wood ducks in our area. Hundreds of wood duck nesting boxes have been constructed over the years and EASL believes the wood duck population in Ascension parish has increased due to our efforts.