EASL’s Terry Melancon Saltwater Challenge will take place Friday, July 17 for registration and social, and conclude Saturday July 18th with weigh in, awards and fish fry. All activities including registration, eating, socializing, weigh-in, awards, etc. will take place at the camps behind the Cajun Holiday Motel. This is located on the left just past the Grand Isle Bridge.
Two important Schedule notes:
- All anglers must be registered by 8:00 pm Friday, July 17
- All anglers must be at the weigh in by 3:00 Saturday, July 18
We will rent 3 camps. The camps will be reserved for the first 30 people who pay $120 each for the entire weekend starting Thursday night. This is non-refundable, if you pay and cannot attend it will be up to the individual to find someone to take their place. Currently there are 11 unpaid spots still available. Of those spots, six have been requested but not paid for.
So with all that said. If you want a bed in one of the three camps, please get your money to Torrey or Keith soon.
Rules and Categories: EASL Saltwater Challenge
- 5 largest speckled trout – combined weight (1st & 2nd place)
- Largest trout (1st place only)
- 2 redfish under 27” – combined weight (1st & 2nd place)
- Biggest red (any length) (1st place only)
- Biggest flounder (1st place only)
- “Other”; (1st place only; $20) Definition: any legal fish except redfish, trout, or flounder
- Cajun Slam; (optional $10/team; winning team takes all) Combined weight of each team’s biggest; Red (under 27”), Trout, & Flounder. Any fish weighed-in for the Slam, can also be entered in the other categories.
- Entry Fee: $15/participant; $10 goes to payouts for winners; $5 goes to meals
- All participants must be signed-up prior to Friday night start time
- All participants older than 15 must be current EASL member. Participants 15 and younger must be accompanied by a current EASL member. Memberships will be available for purchase at Friday evening sign-up
- Teams can have from 1 to no more than 5 people
- Team members should remain within sight of each other while fishing
- Fishing starts at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) Friday night
- Participants must be present at the weigh-in site no later than 3 p.m. Saturday No exceptions
- Method of catch: Hook & line only; no flounder gigging, netting, etc.
- Both artificial & live bait are permissible
- Fishing boundaries: Any water within boating distance from Grand Isle/Fourchon/Leeville
**Anglers who want to participate and cannot get to Grand Isle on Friday July 17, can pay their entry fee to either Torrey or Goosie before July 17.**
**The next committee meeting will be held on June 22nd @ 6:00pm at The Fire Station in St. Amant.**
(Photo from previous year.)