Kids and Their Families Invited to EASL Kids Fishing Rodeo August 6

Hello All, This is a reminder to all of our EASL members that our 56th Annual Kid’s Fishing Rodeo is on August 6, 2016. Please grab your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and friends and bring them to the fishing rodeo.

EASLKids fishing picDon’t forget that it’s for kids ages 2-14 and they each need a fishing pole or rod and reel. There will be some crickets donated by Fluker Cricket Farms, but we encourage you to bring any live bait you’d like-just no artificial lures or baits.

The sign-up for the rodeo starts at 6:30AM at Twin Lakes Park in Dutchtown, La. The fishing starts at 7:00AM and ends at 9:00AM. There will be a weigh-in after the fishing is done. Hot dogs and jambalaya prepared and donated by the Motiva Rec Club, will be available while we tally the results.  Rodney Dupuy from CAJUNLIVINNCOOKIN, will be on hand to take pictures. You can do this while waiting for the tally or bring your fish to take a picture.

abby with trophyAfter the scores are turned in, we will give trophies for the biggest fish overall to a girl and a boy. There will also be trophies in four separate age groups for most fish (boy and girl) and biggest fish. Also, there will be a drawing in three age groups for bicycles.

We want to make sure that as many Sportsman League members as possible are out there because we all need to work together to help this event continue to be successful.

If you would like to donate items, volunteer your time, or make monetary contributions, please call me at 225-571-4588 or send info to  Thanks for your help with this wonderful community event.

-Bettye Lambert, EASL Chairman Kid’s Fishing Rodeo

Kids Fishing Rodeo Flyer 2016 – revised