Bluebird Boxes Now on Sale

Bluebird Boxes Now on Sale! How many EASL members and volunteers does it take to build 68 bluebird boxes? The answer came on March 15th when 8 people met at Vince Diez’s sign shop on Coontrap Road to help construct the boxes. The wood was donated by Warren Singer from an old cedar fence that he had replaced last year. The bluebird boxes are now on sale for $10 each, and can be purchased at EASL regular meetings while supplies last.

Bluebird Box Build - photo 3Although bluebirds are already nesting, it’s not too late to have a successful nest box. Bluebirds will nest more than once. They are very tolerant of humans, so be sure to monitor your boxes. After any nesting effort has ended, either due to nest failure or successful fledging of the young, remove the used nest from the box. When a bluebird nest is successful, re-nesting in the same box may be encouraged if the first nest is removed. This can be done as soon as all chicks have left the nest.

EASL’s bluebird nest box project has been very successful over the years. Many of our members let us know when bluebirds have nested and hatched. Thanks to Dwain Gautreaux for chairing the project for the last two years. And thanks to Dwain, Francis Gautreaux, Barney Callahan, Warren Herbert, Jodie Singer, Vince Diez, Ryan Schilling, and Carlos Noriega, Jr. for coming out on a Saturday afternoon and building these boxes. For their effort, several bluebirds will not be homeless for the next several years.

-Jodie Singer, EASL Treasurer

Bluebird Box Build - photo 4

Bluebird Box Build - photo 1

Volunteer to Build Bluebird Nest Boxes March 15th

You can help EASL build more bluebird nest boxes! On Saturday, March 15, 2014 at 1pm, volunteers will gather at Diez Sign Shop on Coontrap Road where wood and materials will be ready for preparing and assembling nest boxes.  We are asking volunteers to bring their own hammer.  Contact Dwain Gautreaux at 921-4173 for more information.

Blue Bird Boxes Built Jan 2013

Bluebird Nest Boxes

Bluebird boxes available! The East Ascension Sportsman’s League has just completed a “Recycle Program” using old weathered Cedar boards to produce great unique “one of a kind” Bluebird Boxes. Now is the time to put the boxes out to attract these beautiful birds for the summer. Your tax-deductible donation of $10 per box to the EASL will help the local Bluebird population and add to the enjoyment of your back yard birding. Limited quantity immediately available. We built 75 in January 2013.

Blue Bird Boxes Built Jan 2013

Here are a few ways you can get one, two or several for your neighborhood:

A) Boxes will be availabe at EASL’s general meetings on the THIRD MONDAY of the month.

B) Contact: Warren Singer with Industrial Consulting & Supply Corp. to pick up nest boxes at 39421 Hwy 929 (Prairieville Post Office Road, 1.5 miles East of Airline Highway) in Prairieville.  (p) 225-622-6941 or (f) 225-622-6787.  email: warren @  AVAILABLE DURING BUSINESS HOURS.

C) Contact:  Vince Diez with Diez Signs to pick up nest boxes at 1406 N. Coontrap Road (in the curve) in Gonzales. (p) 225-6473608 AVAILABLE DURING BUSINESS HOURS.

Where and how to place a bluebird nest box?  Check out this advice:

More info on EASL’s history of making and distributing bluebird boxes in Ascension Parish: