Archives for June 2015

Louisiana Hunting Heritage Program


article submitted by John Sturgis, LDWF

The Louisiana Hunting Heritage Program (LHHP) is a new program that focuses on reducing the obstacles that prospective hunters in today’s society face.  In the past, people learned to hunt from their family or close friends, and access to land was readily available.  Today, a person who has an interest in hunting may not have the family or social network to help them get started.  As a result, many people with an interest in hunting never give it a try or simply give up when faced with the challenges of being a hunter in today’s world.  The LHHP is not limited to any age or demographic group, but welcomes anyone who wants to learn to hunt and anyone who has a desire to help others learn about hunting.  The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) sponsors the LHHP and works to create a network of hunting mentors that are willing to teach others about hunting and help their apprentices become skilled and independent hunters.
Getting Involved As a Mentor…
You will be matched with an apprentice hunter and asked to guide them along their journey to becoming an independent hunter.  Activities should include participation in a hunter education class, shooting range visits, scouting trips, game care experiences and others tailored to the skill level and interests of the apprentice hunter.  Of course, you will also take them hunting.  Hunting can occur on either public or private land and can include any game animals that you and the apprentice desire to hunt.
You will receive training, support, and liability insurance coverage from LDWF and its partners.  However, it is your experience and involvement that will help your apprentice become a self-sufficient and independent hunter.  This is an excellent opportunity for experienced hunters to share their passion for the outdoors and help secure the future of hunting.
Getting Involved as an Apprentice…
You will be paired with an experienced hunter who will serve as your hunting mentor.  You and your mentor will take part in a variety of activities that will prepare you to become an independent hunter.  You will learn about the various aspects of hunting including safety, woods skills, game care, equipment needs, and finding a place to hunt.  You and your mentor will put these skills to use on actual hunts so you will become familiar and comfortable with the total hunting experience.
Your mentor will be an experienced hunter who has volunteered their time and resources to help you learn to hunt.  You will be paired with a mentor based on your level of experience, location and game you desire to hunt.  Any person 10 years of age or older is welcome to be an apprentice – youth to senior citizens are encouraged to become involved and learn about a new way to experience the outdoors.
Getting Started…
Mentor applicants should complete and return the mentor application/questionnaire.
Apprentice applicants should complete and return the apprentice application.  Mentors will attend a brief training meeting and be paired with an apprentice in the spring or early summer.   Applications and answers to frequently asked questions can be downloaded from this web page.  For more information visit our web page HERITAGE.WLF.LA.GOV or contact:

John Sturgis